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We have defined our vision for the Bitwarden client-side services. The implementation below is our attempt to satisfy these goals within the context of our codebase. We are currently in the process of migrating our services to reflect this ideal.

Different Types of Services

The Bitwarden clients have a service architecture that is comprised of primarily three different types of services, for a given domain in our Data Model:

  • [Domain]Service
  • Internal[Domain]Service
  • [Domain]ApiService


The classes and their responsibilities are detailed below:

[Domain]ServiceProvides read access to the domain through an Observable, which is updated when the local state changes via an RxJS BehaviorSubject. This service also provides helper methods related to that domain.PolicyService
Internal[Domain]ServiceProvides public update methods on the service's Observable properties without updating the [Domain] on the server. It is implemented as an abstract class which extends [Domain]Service, but generally not shared with most classes.InternalPolicyService
[Domain]ApiServiceProvides synced-with-server write capabilities. In general, if you’re editing a [Domain], you want [Domain]ApiService. See Domain Updates for more details.PolicyApiService

Domain Updates

The Bitwarden product contains multiple clients. At any given time, a user could be logged in to multiple clients, viewing data and making updates. This influences the architecture for our client services. Namely, there are at least two reasons that a domain model needs to be updated:

  1. Server Update: The user updates it in the current client
  2. Cache-Only Update: The user updates it in a different client, and Live Sync triggers an update on the current client

For each of these scenarios, we will examine how the classes above work to persist and propagate changes across clients.

Server Update: Updated in the current client


In the case that the domain is updated in the client, the change will begin with the user modifying data in a UI component. The UI component has a dependency on [Domain]ApiService, which is responsible for transmitting that change to two places:

  1. To the server, to persist the change and also notify other clients, and
  2. To the BehaviorSubject for that domain that is storing the state of that domain for the current client

You can see those responsibilities above, where ApiService updates the server and Internal[Domain]Service updates the BehaviorSubject.

Cache-Only Update: Updated in a different client


For domain updates from another client, the current client receives those messages through the SyncService. The SyncService takes a dependency on the Internal[Domain]Service, as it is responsible for updating only the internal cache. The SyncService updates the domain through this service to propagate the changes in the current client.

The Internal[Domain]Service may use BehaviorSubjects in the [Domain]Service for that caching mechanism, but that implementation is abstracted from the SyncService and any other consumers of Internal[Domain]Service.

Domain Reads


When it is necessary to retrieve data directly from the server rather than subscribing to the Observable exposed by the [Domain]Service, that is done by calling the appropriate method on the [Domain]ApiService.