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The Applications are structured using a layered architecture. The layers are:

  • State
  • Services
  • Presentation (Components or CLI Commands)

The different layers primarily use models described in the Data Model when communicating with each other.


At the core of the application is the state layer. This layer is responsible for keeping track of the state, state includes things like the current user, vault items and more. The state layer is also responsible for persisting the state to disk, and loading it from disk.

Currently the state is primarily implemented in the aptly named StateService. Which acts as a god class for all other services to access the state. This is not ideal, and we are working on a better solution.

We also have Storage Services which are implementation specific services for persisting the state to different storage medium. Which are primarily structured in three categories.

  • Persisted storage.
  • In memory storage.
  • Secure persisted storage.

The State Service itself should never be called from anything other than individual domain services, and those should only access their own domain. Additionally only a single service should access the specific domain in the State Service.

Below is an example how a domain component and domain service interacts with the State Service.



Above the State layer is the Services layer. This layer is primarily responsible for performing business logic by interacting with the State layer and receiving commands from the Presentation layer. In this layer we also have the API Services which communicate with the Server.

Services should primarily use observables for exposing data access, this encourages a reactive presentation layer, which always shows the latest state. As we continue to break up components into smaller pieces it also becomes important that they stay up to date, and interact with services for business logic.


The presentational layer is either implemented using Angular, or using a Command pattern in the CLI. This layer should only focus on presentational aspects and all business logic should, as previously mentioned be placed in Services. This allows multiple components to provide the same functionality without needing inheritance.