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Entity Framework


Entity Framework support is still in beta and is not suitable for production databases.


This page refers to setting up a Bitwarden instance to develop on, for instructions on testing out our EF deployments for personal use, such as Bitwarden Unified, please see the help documentation.


Entity Framework (EF) is an ORM framework that acts as a wrapper around a database. It allows us to support multiple (non-MSSQL) databases without having to maintain migration and query scripts for each.

Our EF implementations currently support Postgres, MySQL, and SQLite3.

Setting Up EF Databases

The workflow here is broadly the same as with the normal MSSQL implementation: set up the docker container, configure user secrets, and run migrations against their relating databases in chronological order.


You can have multiple databases configured and switch between them by changing the value of the globalSettings:databaseProvider user secret. You don’t have to delete your connection strings.

Database Setup

In the dev folder of your server repository, run

docker compose --profile postgres up

User secrets

Add the following values to your API, Identity, and Admin user secrets.

Be sure to change information like root password as needed. If you already have these secrets, make sure you update the existing values instead of creating new ones

"globalSettings:databaseProvider": "postgres",
"globalSettings:postgreSql:connectionString": "Host=localhost;Username=postgres;Password=example;Database=vault_dev;Include Error Detail=true",

After making changes to your secrets.json file, remember to run pwsh setup_secrets.ps1 -clear so that the changes take effect.


In the dev folder run the following to update the database to the latest migration

pwsh migrate.ps1 -postgres

The -postgres flag on migrate.ps1 will run dotnet ef commands to perform the migrations.

You can also run migrations for all database providers at once using

pwsh migrate.ps1 -all

Optional: Verify

If you would like to verify that everything worked correctly:

  • Check the database tables to make sure everything has been created
  • Run the integration tests from the root of your server project using dotnet test.
    • Note: this requires a configured MSSQL database. You may also need to set up other EF providers for tests to pass.

Testing EF Changes

In your server/dev/secrets.json file find or add this block of secrets in the root of the json structure:

"databases:0:type": "Postgres",
"databases:0:connectionString": "Host=localhost;Username=postgres;Password=_________;Database=ef_test",
"databases:0:enabled": "true",
"databases:1:type": "Sqlite",
"databases:1:enabled": "true",
"databases:1:connectionString": "Data Source=_________",
"databases:2:type": "MySql",
"databases:2:connectionString": "server=localhost;uid=root;pwd=_________;database=ef_test",
"databases:2:enabled": "true",
"databases:3:type": "SqlServer",
"databases:3:connectionString": "Server=localhost;Database=ef_test;User Id=SA;Password=_________;Encrypt=True;TrustServerCertificate=True;",
"databases:3:enabled": "true"

The example database index + type combinations are required for the tooling to work, and to support multiple versions of the same database running tests at the same time.

This block is used for test databases for each supported provider type. These are what integration tests will connect to. You should update the password for these connection strings to match your existing databases if you have not already. If these settings are not present at all in your server/dev/secrets.json file just add them to the bottom. These settings do not go in globalSettings. Then run pwsh setup_secrets.ps1 -clear to apply them to your local projects.

With connection strings applied to your projects: ensure your databases are all migrated using pwsh server/dev/migrate.ps1 --all. Then you can run EF tests from the test/Infrastructure.IntegrationTest folder using dotnet test.