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Template Repository

Location and usage

A template repository exists as a base set of files and overall setup for new projects that can be selected within the GitHub repository creation interface. It contains what's needed to get started with pull request templates, linting, continuous integration, and more. Core concepts that generally apply to all repositories should be created and reviewed there before being distributed. The template represents best practices across the company but should also be considered a starting point for further setup within the context of a repository's needs; in many cases customization is expected as elaborated below.

Content and licensing

Text license files declare the usage of GPL and a proprietary Bitwarden license. A bitwarden_license directory with a README is where Bitwarden-licensed code and contents go, otherwise it's specified that GPL applies. These files and their locations / structure should not be modified.

Security and contributing documents clarify company policies and approaches. They can be modified if a unique situation applies, but it's highly likely they can be left as-is.

A README at the root is expected to be customized with no explicit rules on contents. It's recommended to keep this brief with a title and simple description of a couple sentences as documentation can be kept elsewhere such as this very site!

Editor configuration

A couple files define attribute expectations and ignores for Git. The latter is expected to be expanded based on repository needs but when possible the template itself should be expanded for additional use cases. Popular OS and IDE-specific ignores are already present.

Editor configuration sets rules for file formatting. Similar to the above for ignores the template should receive updates for new languages and company standards. Linters will obey editor configurations when enforcing rules.

Local linting

Husky and lint-staged via NPM are used to locally lint and format changed files. Run:

npm install

after cloning your new repository to install the necessary Git hooks.

Within the lint-staged section of the package configuration exist linter configurations for specific file types, with Prettier as a default formatter for all files. Extend this for relevant file types that have formatters available, for example with .NET applications:

"*.cs": "dotnet format --include"

or TypeScript:

"*.ts": "eslint --cache --cache-strategy content --fix"

The editor configuration used above is accessed by many linters to drive results.

Dependency management

Renovate configuration for managing dependencies that is derived from a shared configuration repository. It:

  • Combines minor and patch changes into one rollup pull request, per package manager.
  • Uses a dependency dashboard so we can see what pull requests are not yet created but still manage the workload.
  • Manages updates with semantic versioning and lock file updates. Rebases are disabled.
  • Allows an unlimited number of pull requests to be created.
  • Includes major updates (the latest) as individual pull requests. Monorepo updates are also grouped.
  • Schedules runs to happen on the weekend when more Actions workers are likely available for the organization, but also on a two-week basis to better align with the release schedule.
  • Certain build pipeline dependencies are pinned to specific versions.

All package managers are recommended to be left enabled should a repository expand over time to include new ones, within reason for what might be in the scope of the repository. Update schedules and how many pull requests are up to the individual repository. Exceptions, other package manager, and dependency-specific configuration may be needed.

Consider best practices with pinning dependencies (especially at the root), like those used for local linting above. Development dependencies such as formatters and linters deserve communication and coordinated rollout across all teams so that code style is consistent per our standards and the editor configurations seen in the template repository itself.

Issue templates

Configuration for issues with centralized and relevant links as well as a template for pull request creation that uses common sections expected with essentially all changes. Instructions exist within the pull request template but in general:

  • Expect a tracking link such as a GitHub or Jira issue.
  • If the repository does not have a user interface, the "Screenshots" section can be removed.
  • Adjust reminders as needed for the repository context.

It's unlikely that you'll need to modify the template significantly in destination repositories, and the origin template here can always be expanded with additional improvements within the organization.

Code ownership

CODEOWNERS entries to be defined indicating a team that "owns" the code at a relevant path.


Actions workflows for code scanning. Targets two domains:

  • Static application security testing (SAST): Runs PR scans in an incremental mode and full scans on push events.
  • Quality: Additional language-specific findings and improvements not strictly related to security.

SAST results are exported as SARIF (Static Analysis Results Interchange Format) and uploaded to the GitHub Advanced Security interface for internal review. Quality results are also made available in the interface when security-related.