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State Provider Framework

The state provider framework was designed for the purpose of allowing state to be owned by domains but also to enforce good practices, reduce boilerplate around account switching, and provide a trustworthy observable stream of that state.


Storage definitions

In order to store and retrieve data, we need to have constant keys to reference storage locations. This includes a storage medium (disk or memory) and a unique key. StateDefinition and KeyDefinition classes allow for reasonable reuse of partial namespaces while also enabling expansion to precise keys. They exist to help minimize the potential of overlaps in a distributed storage framework.


Once you have created the definitions you need to take extreme caution when changing any part of the namespace. If you change the name of a StateDefinition pointing at "disk" without also migrating data from the old name to the new name you will lose data. Data pointing at "memory" can have its name changed.



Secure storage is not currently supported as a storage location in the State Provider Framework. For now, don't migrate data that is stored in secure storage but please contact the Platform team when you have data you wanted to migrate so we can prioritize a long-term solution. If you need new data in secure storage, use StateService for now.

StateDefinition is a simple API but a very core part of making the State Provider Framework work smoothly. It defines a storage location and top-level namespace for storage. Teams will interact with it only in a single state-definitions.ts file in the clients repository. This file is located under Platform team code ownership but teams are expected to create edits to it. A team will edit this file to include a line such as:

export const MY_DOMAIN_DISK = new StateDefinition("myDomain", "disk");

The first argument to the StateDefinition constructor is expected to be a human readable, camelCase-formatted name for your domain or state area. The second argument will either be the string literal "disk" or "memory" dictating where all the state using this StateDefinition should be stored.

The Platform team is responsible for reviewing all new and updated entries in this file and makes sure that there are no duplicate entries containing the same state name and state location. Teams are able to have the same state name used for both "disk" and "memory" locations. Tests are included to ensure this uniqueness and core naming guidelines so teams can ensure a review for a new StateDefinition entry is done promptly and with very few surprises.

Client-specific storage locations

An optional third parameter to the StateDefinition constructor is provided if you need to specify client-specific storage location for your state.

This will most commonly be used to handle the distinction between session and local storage on the web client. The default "disk" storage for the web client is session storage, and local storage can be specified by defining your state as:

export const MY_DOMAIN_DISK = new StateDefinition("myDomain", "disk", { web: "disk-local" });

KeyDefinition and UserKeyDefinition

KeyDefinition and UserKeyDefinition build on the StateDefinition, specifying a single element of state data within the StateDefinition.

The framework provides both KeyDefinition and UserKeyDefinition for teams to use. Use UserKeyDefinition for state scoped to a user and KeyDefinition for user-independent state. These will be consumed via the ActiveUserState<T> or SingleUserState<T> within your consuming services and components. The UserKeyDefinition extends the KeyDefinition and provides a way to specify how the state will be cleaned up on specific user account actions.

KeyDefinitions and UserKeyDefinitions can also be instantiated in your own team's code. This might mean creating it in the same file as the service you plan to consume it or you may want to have a single key-definitions.ts file that contains all the entries for your team. Some example instantiations are:

const MY_DOMAIN_DATA = new UserKeyDefinition<MyState>(MY_DOMAIN_DISK, "data", {
// convert to your data from serialized representation `{ foo: string }` to fully-typed `MyState`
deserializer: (jsonData) => MyState.fromJSON(jsonData),
clearOn: ["logout"], // can be lock, logout, both, or an empty array

// Or if your state is an array, use the built-in helper
const MY_DOMAIN_DATA: UserKeyDefinition<MyStateElement[]> = UserKeyDefinition.array<MyStateElement>(
deserializer: (jsonDataElement) => MyState.fromJSON(jsonDataElement), // provide a deserializer just for the element of the array
clearOn: ["logout"],

// record
const MY_DOMAIN_DATA: UserKeyDefinition<Record<string, MyStateElement>> =
KeyDefinition.record<MyStateValue>(MY_DOMAIN_DISK, "data", {
deserializer: (jsonDataValue) => MyState.fromJSON(jsonDataValue), // provide a deserializer just for the value in each key-value pair
clearOn: ["logout"],

The arguments for defining a KeyDefinition or UserKeyDefinition are:

stateDefinitionThe StateDefinition to which that this key belongs
keyA human readable, camelCase-formatted name for the key definition. This name should be unique amongst all other KeyDefinitions or UserKeyDefinitions that consume the same StateDefinition.
optionsAn object of type KeyDefinitionOptions or UserKeyDefinitionOptions, which defines the behavior of the key.

It is the responsibility of the team to ensure the uniqueness of the key within a StateDefinition. As such, you should never consume the StateDefinition of another team in your own key definition.

Key Definition Options
deserializerYesTakes a method that gives you your state in it's JSON format and makes you responsible for converting that into JSON back into a full JavaScript object, if you choose to use a class to represent your state that means having its prototype and any method you declare on it. If your state is a simple value like string, boolean, number, or arrays of those values, your deserializer can be as simple as data => data. But, if your data has something like Date, which gets serialized as a string you will need to convert that back into a Date like: data => new Date(data).
cleanupDelayMsNoTakes a number of milliseconds to wait before cleaning up the state after the last subscriber has unsubscribed. Defaults to 1000ms.
clearOnYes, for UserKeyDefinitionAn additional parameter provided for UserKeyDefinition only, which allows specification of the user account ClearEvents that will remove the piece of state from persistence. The available values for ClearEvent are logout, lock, or both. An empty array should be used if the state should not ever be removed (e.g. for settings).


StateProvider is an injectable service that includes 4 methods for getting state. These four methods are helpers for invoking their more modular siblings ActiveStateProvider.get, SingleUserStateProvider.get, GlobalStateProvider.get, and DerivedStateProvider. These siblings can all be injected into your service as well. If you prefer thin dependencies over the slightly larger changeset required, you can absolutely make use of the more targeted providers. StateProvider has the following type definition (aliasing the targeted providers):

interface StateProvider {
getActive<T>(keyDefinition: KeyDefinition<T>): ActiveUserState<T>;
getUser<T>(userId: UserId, keyDefinition: KeyDefinition<T>): SingleUserState<T>;
getGlobal<T>(keyDefinition: KeyDefinition<T>): GlobalState<T>;
getDerived<TFrom, TTo, TDeps>(
parentState$: Observable<TFrom>,
deriveDefinition: DeriveDefinition<TFrom, TTo, TDeps>,
dependenciess: TDeps,

A very common practice will be to inject StateProvider in your service's constructor and call getActive, getGlobal, or both in your constructor and then store private properties for the resulting ActiveUserState<T> and / or GlobalState<T>. It's less common to need to call getUser in the constructor because it will require you to know the UserId of the user you are attempting to edit. Instead you will add private to the constructor argument injecting StateProvider and instead use it in a method like in the below example.

import { FOLDERS_USER_STATE, FOLDERS_GLOBAL_STATE } from "../key-definitions";

class FolderService {
private folderGlobalState: GlobalState<GlobalFolderState>;
private folderUserState: ActiveUserState<Record<string, FolderState>>;

folders$: Observable<Folder[]>;

constructor(private stateProvider: StateProvider) {
this.folderUserState = stateProvider.getActive(FOLDERS_USER_STATE);
this.folderGlobalState = stateProvider.getGlobal(FOLDERS_GLOBAL_STATE);

this.folders$ = this.folderUserState.pipe(
map((foldersRecord) => this.transform(foldersRecord)),

async clear(userId: UserId): Promise<void> {
await this.stateProvider.getUser(userId, FOLDERS_USER_STATE).update((state) => null);



ActiveUserState has race condition problems. Do not use it for updates and consider transitioning your code to SingleUserState instead. Read more

ActiveUserState<T> is an object to help you maintain and view the state of the currently active user. If the currently active user changes, like through account switching, the data this object represents will change along with it. Gone is the need to subscribe to StateService.activeAccountUnlocked$. You can see the type definition of the API on ActiveUserState<T> below:

interface ActiveUserState<T> {
state$: Observable<T>;

The state$ property provides you with an Observable<T> that can be subscribed to. ActiveUserState<T>.state$ will emit for the following reasons:

  • The active user changes.
  • The chosen storage location emits an update to the key defined by KeyDefinition. This can occur for any reason including:
    • A SingleUserState<T> method pointing at the same UserKeyDefinition as ActiveUserState and pointing at the user that is active that had update called
    • Someone updates the key directly on the underlying storage service (please don't do this)


GlobalState<T> has an incredibly similar API surface as ActiveUserState<T> except it targets global-scoped storage and does not emit an update to state$ when the active user changes, only when the stored value is updated.


SingleUserState<T> behaves very similarly to GlobalState<T> where neither will react to active user changes and you instead give it the user you want it to care about up front, which is publicly exposed as a readonly member.

Updates to SingleUserState or ActiveUserState handling the same KeyDefinition will cause each other to emit on their state$ observables if the userId handled by the SingleUserState happens to be active at the time of the update.


Migrating data to state providers is incredibly similar to migrating data in general. You create your own class that extends Migrator<From, To>. That will require you to implement your own migrate(migrationHelper: MigrationHelper) method. MigrationHelper already includes methods like get and set for getting and settings value to storage by their string key. There are also methods for getting and setting using your KeyDefinition or KeyDefinitionLike object to and from user and global state. An example of how you might use these new helpers is below:

type ExpectedGlobalState = { myGlobalData: string };

type ExpectedAccountState = { myUserData: string };

const MY_GLOBAL_KEY_DEFINITION: KeyDefinitionLike = {
stateDefinition: { name: "myState" },
key: "myGlobalKey",
const MY_USER_KEY_DEFINITION: KeyDefinitionLike = {
stateDefinition: { name: "myState" },
key: "myUserKey",

export class MoveToStateProvider extends Migrator<10, 11> {
async migrate(migrationHelper: MigrationHelper): Promise<void> {
const existingGlobalData = await migrationHelper.get<ExpectedGlobalState>("global");

await migrationHelper.setGlobal(MY_GLOBAL_KEY_DEFINITION, {
myGlobalData: existingGlobalData.myGlobalData,

const updateAccount = async (userId: string, account: ExpectedAccountState) => {
await migrationHelper.setUser(MY_USER_KEY_DEFINITION, {
myUserData: account.myUserData,

const accounts = await migrationHelper.getAccounts<ExpectedAccountState>();

await Promise.all({ userId, account }) => updateAccount(userId, account)));

getAccounts only gets data from the legacy account object that was used in StateService. As data gets migrated off of that account object the response from getAccounts, which returns a record where the key will be a user's ID and the value being the legacy account object.

Example PRs


Testing business logic with data and observables can sometimes be cumbersome. To help make that a little easier there are a suite of helpful "fakes" that can be used instead of traditional "mocks". Now instead of calling mock<StateProvider>() into your service you can instead use new FakeStateProvider().

FakeStateProvider exposes the specific provider's fakes as properties on itself. Each of those specific providers gives a method getFake that allows you to get the fake version of state that you can control and expect.

Advanced usage


The update method has options defined as follows:

{ActiveUser|SingleUser|Global}State<T> {
// ... rest of type left out for brevity
update<TCombine>(updateState: (state: T, dependency: TCombine) => T, options?: StateUpdateOptions);

type StateUpdateOptions = {
shouldUpdate?: (state: T, dependency: TCombine) => boolean;
combineLatestWith?: Observable<TCombine>;
msTimeout?: number

The shouldUpdate option can be useful to help avoid an unnecessary update, and therefore avoid an unnecessary emission of state$. You might want to use this to avoid setting state to null when it is already null. The shouldUpdate method gives you in its first parameter the value of state before any change has been made to it and the dependency you have, optionally, provided through combineLatestWith. To avoid setting null to your state when it's already null you could call update like below:

await myUserState.update(() => null, { shouldUpdate: (state) => state != null });

The combineLatestWith option can be useful when updates to your state depend on the data from another stream of data. In this example you can see how we don't want to set a user ID to the active account ID unless that user ID exists in our known accounts list. This can be preferred over the more manual implementation like such:

const accounts = await firstValueFrom(this.accounts$);
if (accounts?.[userId] == null) {
throw new Error();
await this.activeAccountIdState.update(() => userId);

The use of the combineLatestWith option is preferred because it fixes a couple subtle issues. First, the use of firstValueFrom with no timeout. Behind the scenes we enforce that the observable given to combineLatestWith will emit a value in a timely manner, in this case a 1000ms timeout but that number is configurable through the msTimeout option. The second issue it fixes is that we don't guarantee that your updateState function is called the instant that the update method is called. We do however promise that it will be called before the returned promise resolves or rejects. This may be because we have a lock on the current storage key. No such locking mechanism exists today but it may be implemented in the future. As such, it is safer to use combineLatestWith because the data is more likely to retrieved closer to when it needs to be evaluated.


Do I need to have my own in-memory cache?

If you previously had a memory cache that exactly represented the data you stored on disk (not decrypted for example), then you likely don't need that anymore. All the *State classes maintain an in memory cache of the last known value in state for as long as someone is subscribed to the data. The cache is cleared after 1000ms of no one subscribing to the state though. If you know you have sporadic subscribers and a high cost of going to disk you may increase that time using the cleanupDelayMs on KeyDefinitionOptions.

I store my data as a Record / Map but expose it as an array -- what should I do?

Give KeyDefinition<T> generic the record shape you want, or even use the static record helper method. Then to convert that to an array that you expose just do a simple .pipe(map(data => this.transform(data))) to convert that to the array you want to expose.

Why KeyDefinitionLike

KeyDefinitionLike exists to help you create a frozen-in-time version of your KeyDefinition. This is helpful in state migrations so that you don't have to import something from the greater application which is something that should rarely happen.

When does my deserializer run?

The deserialier that you provide in the KeyDefinitionOptions is used whenever your state is retrieved from a storage service that stores its data as JSON. All disk storage services serialize data into JSON but memory storage differs in this area across platforms. That's why it's imperative to include a high quality JSON deserializer even if you think your object will only be stored in memory. This can mean you might be able to drop the *Data class pattern for your code. Since the *Data class generally represented the JSON safe version of your state which we now do automatically through the Jsonify<T> given to your in your deserializer method.

How do StateService storage options map to StateDefinitions?

When moving state from StateService to the state provider pattern, you'll be asked to create a StateDefinition for your state. This should be informed by the storage location that was being used in the StateService. You can use the cross-reference below to help you decide how to map between the two.

StateService OptionDesired Storage LocationDesired Web Storage LocationStateDefinition Equivalent
defaultOnDiskOptions()DiskSessionnew StateDefinition("state", "disk")
defaultOnDiskLocalOptions()DiskLocalnew StateDefinition("state", "disk", { web: "disk-local" })
defaultOnDiskMemoryOptions()DiskSessionnew StateDefinition("state", "disk")
defaultInMemoryOptions()MemoryMemorynew StateDefinition("state", "memory")
defaultSecureStorageOptions()DiskN/ANo migration path currently

Clarifying defaultOnDiskMemoryOptions()

Despite its name, defaultOnDiskMemoryOptions() results in the web client storing the state in session storage, not in memory. As such, the equivalent StateDefinition storage location is "disk"; since "disk" maps to session storage on the web client there is no reason to specify { web: "memory" } as a client-specific storage location if your previous state service options used defaultOnDiskMemoryOptions().

However, we do have cases in which the StateService is extended in a particular client and different storage options are defined there for a given element of state. For example, defaultOnDiskMemoryOptions() is defined on the base StateService but defaultInMemoryOptions() is defined on the web implementation. To replicate this behavior with a StateDefinition you would use new StateDefinition("state", "disk", { web: "memory" }).

Should I use ActiveUserState?

Probably not, ActiveUserState is either currently in the process of or already completed the removal of its update method. This will effectively make it readonly, but you should consider maybe not even using it for reading either. update is actively bad, while reading is just not as dynamic of a API design.

Take the following example:

private folderState: ActiveUserState<Record<string, Folder>>

renameFolder(folderId: string, newName: string) {
// Get state
const folders = await firstValueFrom(this.folderState.state$);
// Mutate state
folders[folderId].name = await encryptString(newName);
// Save state
await this.folderState.update(() => folders);

You can imagine a scenario where the active user changes between the read and the write. This would be a big problem because now user A's folders was stored in state for user B. By taking a user id and utilizing SingleUserState instead you can avoid this problem by passing ensuring both operation happen for the same user. This is obviously an extreme example where the point between the read and write is pretty minimal but there are places in our application where the time between is much larger. Maybe information is read out and placed into a form for editing and then the form can be submitted to be saved.

The first reason for why you maybe shouldn't use ActiveUserState for reading is for API flexibility. Even though you may not need an API to return the data of a non-active user right now, you or someone else may want to. If you have a method that takes the UserId then it can be consumed by someone passing in the active user or by passing a non-active user. You can now have a single API that is useful in multiple scenarios.

The other reason is so that you can more cleanly switch users to new data when multiple streams are in play. Consider the following example:

const view$ = combineLatest([
]).pipe(map(([folders, ciphers]) => buildView(folders, ciphers)));

Since both are tied to the active user, you will get one emission when first subscribed to and during an account switch, you will likely get TWO other emissions. One for each, inner observable reacting to the new user. This could mean you try to combine the folders and ciphers of two accounts. This is ideally not a huge issue because the last emission will have the same users data but it's not ideal, and easily avoidable. Instead you can write it like this:

const view$ = this.accountService.activeAccount$.pipe(
switchMap((account) => {
if (account == null) {
throw new Error("This view should only be viewable while there is an active user.");

return combineLatest([
map(([folders, ciphers]) => buildView(folders, ciphers)),

You have to write a little more code but you do a few things that might force you to think about the UX and rules around when this information should be viewed. With ActiveUserState it will simply not emit while there is no active user. But with this, you can choose what to do when there isn't an active user and you could simple add a first() to the activeAccount$ pipe if you do NOT want to support account switching. An account switch will also emit the combineLatest information a single time and the info will be always for the same account.


State Diagram