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Event Logs

Bitwarden event logs are used for Teams and Enterprise organizations to capture timestamped records of events that occur within the organization. For documentation on how to view events, see the Help Center.

Types of Events

The events that we log can be broken down into two different types, based on where the event is triggered.

Trigger LocationDescription
ServerUser actions that manifest as server-side operations, generally anything related to organization management.
ClientUser interactions on locally synced data that does not result in server-side operations. These are typically prefixed with a Client_ prefix. One example is Cipher_ClientAutofill which logs auto-fill of organization items.

Whenever possible we prefer to use server-side events since they incur less network traffic and cannot be circumvented by modifying the client.

Writing Events

Events are handled on our clients through the EventCollectionService and EventUploadService for our JavaScript clients and the EventService for our mobile clients. These services enqueue the events into a collection stored client-side which is periodically uploaded to the server, currently at 60 seconds intervals. Logs are also uploaded on logout, so there are no events orphaned in the collection.

Uploaded event logs are sent to the server through POST requests to the /collect endpoint on the Events service, which is handled by the CollectController. The controller performs some basic mapping before passing the events to the EventService.

Server-side events are sent directly to the EventService, bypassing the Events service completely.

The EventService implementation differs for the cloud and self-hosted instances. This is handled by the IEventWriteService.


For cloud-hosted instances, we use the AzureQueueEventWriteService implementation, which writes the events to an Azure Queue that is specified in the globalSettings.Events.ConnectionString configuration setting.

The events in the Azure Queue are then processed by the EventsProcessor service that runs in the Bitwarden cloud-hosted instance. The EventsProcessor is running the AzureQueueHostedService, which dequeues the event logs from the Azure Queue and writes them to Azure Table storage using the EventRepository.


On self-hosted instances, the RepositoryEventWriteService writes the event logs to the Events database table directly using the EventRepository.

Querying Events

Event logs are queried through the EventsController on the Bitwarden API.

As with writing events, the querying of events differs based on the hosting method used for your Bitwarden instance. Since the events are logged to different places (Azure Table storage vs. the Bitwarden SQL database), the querying of these events must be different as well.

We do this with Dependency Injection in the Api project. The IEventRepository will have different implementations based on the hosting environment and the database provider in use.


For cloud-hosted Bitwarden instances, the EventsController will query the Azure Table storage to look for the event logs, through the Bit.Core.Repositories.TableStorage.EventRepository class, which implements IEventRepository.


On self-hosted Bitwarden instances, the EventsController will use the IEventRepository to query the Events database table for the event logs.